Join Us At InvestIN Microfinance Bank

We deliver exceptional service, support and experience that set us apart.


Our team comes with the experience and knowledge


Our Best Services

Join over 250,000+ Nigerians who have chosen to banlk with InvestIN MFB.

Personal Banking

At InvestIN, we are committed to your well-being! We craft personalized accounts tailored to meet your specific needs as a valued customer and consistently pioneer new products and services to ensure seamless banking and a more convenient life for you.

SME Banking

We provide specially tailored and cost-effective financial services designed to support your SME business. See us not merely as your bank but as your unwavering business partner, committed to your success with personalized solutions and dedicated support.

24-Hour Banking

We offer round-the-clock banking services through our digital channels, backed by a dedicated customer support team committed to resolving any issue. Our relationship managers are consistently available to cater to your needs.

It's Your Money
Let's Help You Manage It

Whether you want to save, spend, or send money, the choice is yours. No matter how you decide to manage your finances, we're committed to ensuring it's done efficiently and without any fees. We take full responsibility for that.


0700 4683 786 2452


10 Bankole Oki Road, Ikoyi,

Lagos, Nigeria


Mondays - Fridays

Office time: 9 AM - 5 PM

Get in Touch

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Then send us a message using the form below or using any of the contact information to the right of your screen.